Saturday, December 11, 2010

That Special Someone

I know this is a very common problem for young chrisitans today. We tend to try to search for that one special person that God has for us. Sometimes we even have an idea of how that person is suppose to be, so we search and search looking for those qualities that we assume God wants in our companion, but even when we do find someone with those qualities, they still end up not being the one we hoped for. Why does this happen? I to have had this problem, plenty of times!..Look at it like this, In the book of Genesis, God let Adam search through the animals and name them, trying to find a good helper,companion for himself, but he never found them. Of course God knew that Adam wasn't going to find a suitable helper in these animals, so why did God have Adam go and search? He wanted to show Adam that a suitable companion and helper for himself, he could never find. It will have to be given to him, by God. It's the same way with us. We constantly search for our life time companion, instead of letting God send them to us, otherwise we will get so tired of searching that we will eventually end up settling, which we shouldn't do at all. We have to wait on God to send us that one who is flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone. A person like that you can't seek and find. A person like that has to be given to you and the only person who can give it to you is God. We can't have this picture of what our partner is suppose to be or look like. It's up to God to choose who he wants for us. Take Adam, when he saw Eve, he embraced her, saying "this is flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone." He didn't care how curvy she was or how pretty she looked. He loved her unconditionally because he knew she was from God, specifically for him. That's how we should embrace whoever God has in store for us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes I agree with you and very well said!! Love is powerful because God is Agape (LOVE) and through God’s love we find purpose in our lives. But in order to do so, we have to "…seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33). When we put our faith in the Lord, he directs us, he leads us. But also in Proverbs 4:23, it mentions for us to guard our hearts while having self control. “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life.” Heads or Hearts? Both, it’s when our heads and hearts are one, because that will be what God wants for us. The next question would be, so how do you know this “love” is “heaven sent”. I guess we have to be conscious while making all decision. Especially when it concerns people that may be involved in our lives, spiritually and romantically. However, with this understanding, even though God wants us to find Christ when He sends for us, to come to Him for everything, to be obedient, there is free will. We are individuals with this “free will”, and have to be able to use everything Our Father told us, taught us, and want us to do and use this rationalization upon making the decisions. But we have to make that decision… We will fail, but God has never let go and will never. God will send people (or that one) our way, but it’s up to us to recognize it and listen. That’s why we pray before making the decision and after instead of claiming to know what God has in store for us. Because if we “assume” without thinking…
